Thursday, June 7, 2012

Letter to the Editor

Doheny seriously considered idea — not Owens

June 6, 2012
Adirondack Daily Enterprise
To the editor:
Recently, some have questioned on this editorial page whether character counts when seeking elected office.
I agree with those who suggest that character is important, but I question how we get a complete picture of a candidate from those who merely want to regurgitate the latest gossip.
I'd like to share my perspective on Matt Doheny, which I think greatly differs from those who only know of him from the news stories and television ads.
Last year, I asked both Congressman Bill Owens and his likely opponent to support a personal cause: the Parental Rights amendment.
In the past several years, an increasing number of judges have, in my opinion, exceeded their authority and impinged on parents' abilities to raise their children in the way they best see fit. This slow erosion of rights concerns me, and I began to see that a constitutional amendment was our best hope for keeping parents - and not the government - in control of our children's upbringing.
When we first met, Matt told me that he shared my concern about judicial and governmental interference in our lives - but was not yet convinced the amendment was the best course of action.
In our subsequent discussions, I found him to be thoughtful and compassionate, while also quite passionate about how he could make a difference if elected. He took a genuine interest in both the Parental Rights amendment and another cause dear to me: homeschooling. And after much research and deliberation, I was thrilled when Matt agreed to support the amendment if elected.
Sadly, my experience with Congressman Owens was the exact opposite. After successfully dodging my repeated phone calls to his office, I attended one of his town halls and asked him for a meeting to explain the amendment. To his credit, he eventually fulfilled that promise. However, he told me point-blank he would not support the amendment. I left that meeting with the impression that the congressman never intended to give serious consideration to what I had to say, and felt like he had trivialized something important to me throughout the entire meeting.
I don't consider myself a political person. But I've come to realize that the future of my children is too important to not fight like hell for. That's why I'm encouraging all my Republican friends to vote for Matt Doheny in the June 26 primary and again on Nov. 6.
Meredith George

Doheny seriously considered idea — not Owens - | News, Sports, Jobs, Saranac Lake region — Adirondack Daily Enterprise

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