Saturday, January 28, 2012

Why Do We Need A Parental Rights Amendment?

Why do we need a Parental Rights Amendment?  Maybe you can answer that question yourself after you answer the following questions. 

The questions below were taken from the Parental Rights flyer on "Why We Need the Amendment"  You can get copies to share with your friends and family at the website.
  • “Do you believe that parents and not the government should have decision making control over children?” 
  • “Did you know that the government has already stripped parents of a great amount of authority?” 
  • “Did you know that state agencies can remove a children from your home based on an anonymous tip, with no corroborating evidence and without any regard for your 4th Amendment right of due process?” 
  • “Did you know that parents lose all legal authority over their children when they drop their kids off at public school door?” 
  • “Did you know that school systems can teach anything they want to your children and you have no right to know what they are being taught or to opt them out of classes you think are objectionable?”
  • “Did you know that over 1100 school systems in the US use the International Baccalaureate Curriculum which teaches: children are citizens not of the US but of the world? children should be raised in a gun free environment?  If you hunt or engage in any marksmanship sports the IB holds that your guns should be stored somewhere else not in your home.  The curriculum also contains graphic sexual education programs beginning as early as 5 years old including gender neutrality, alternate lifestyles, touching for pleasure etc.
  • The government run schools can also mandate public service as a graduation requirement?
  • In the Doctor’s office the government run public schools and health clinics can treat your child for STD’s or drug and alcohol issues, hand out and prescribe prophylactics and in many cases arrange for abortions of your child without your consent or knowledge? 
  • Did you know that the courts are already using international law to determine how children in our country should be treated? 
  • Did you know that one senate vote of 67 senators could effectively remove all state law and authority over family law and federalize and or internationalize it?
 This issue should scare you more than any other social or political issue you can name.  Once the government and non-governmental agencies get the power to decide what our nation’s young people are taught, what they can and cannot do and what they can and cannot believe our country, our freedom and our way of life will vanish.  

Some of you may not be surprised at this information, others may have never heard it before, but it is real and is happening all over the US.  There are hundreds maybe even thousands of newspaper articles, online columns and websites and active watch groups who share cases and instances where parental rights are being eroded every day. 
Here are a few links for you to check out for yourself.

The issue of Parental Rights is a bi-partisan issue, an American issue.  Recent Zogby polls show that across the board regardless of political, religious affiliation or race people agree that parents have the best interest of the child not the government.  
Update on the PRO‘s recent activity:
The Parental Rights Organization has joined with several other parent friendly organizations and leaders to support HR2769 Ron Paul’s Parental Consent Act.  This bill would prevent federal funds from going in any organizations to establish or implement any universal or mandatory mental health, psychiatric or socioemotional screening program.” It goes on to define such programs to include “any student mental health screening program that allows mental health screening of individuals less than 18 years of age without the express written voluntary informed consent of the parent or legal guardian of the individual involved.” 

PRO does not often take a stand on any legislation beyond the PRA but we fully support the requirement of informed parental consent for any program intrusive to the privacy of children therefore we support this bill in the US Congress.

Two other concerns we are researching more fully are New Department of Labor regulations that appear to impact the right of parents to determine whether their teenage children manage certain kinds of equipment or work with certain animals on family farms;  and New Department of Education guidelines for interpreting and applying privacy policies under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act(FERPA)  These policies may impact the right and ability of parents to protect the privacy of their children who attend public schools.

The question most people ask after hearing this information is what can I do?  First if you have not signed the petition please do so.  Secondly visit and find out what you can do financially to support the organization.  Thirdly sign up to be a volunteer.  There are so many volunteer opportunities even if it is just sharing the video “Overruled” with your family and friends. 

Thank you for your support.
Peace of Christ-
Meredith George

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